
Lauren Angeloni
Managing Director, AIVA

"I am thrilled to open the 19th Season of the Davey Awards, which honors exceptional work from the brightest among small shops, boutique agencies and independent creators."

Dear Davey Awards Community,

In my first year as the Managing Director of the AIVA, I have gotten to know this community and these awards are a particular favorite of mine. I am so humbled and privileged to have a front-row seat to the ingenuity and inventiveness that the creative “Davids” display
every day.

I am thrilled to open the 19th Season of the Davey Awards, which honors exceptional work from the brightest among small shops, boutique agencies and independent creators. I expect this season to be the best yet.

The Davey Awards have had a strong community and a loyal following year after year. You will notice this season that we have completely refreshed the Davey’s Brand and have designed a sleek new statuette to celebrate the diverse work entered into our competition. We believe we’ve created an exciting and energetic platform which now more properly honors and showcases your winning work.

In addition to these major changes, we have some other updates we’re excited to announce:

  • Expanded and streamlined categories in the narrative-centric Video and Podcasts media types
  • A new suite of “Emerging Tech” categories to reflect the ever-evolving nature of digital creativity. This will include projects in the realms of Virtual and Augmented Realities, Web 3.0, AI, and can expand to include the next generation of digital tools and platforms
  • An impressive cohort of new jurors who represent the diversity of the work submitted by our Entrants each year. This will include heavy-hitters from Digitas, L+R, George P. Johnson Experience Marketing, Lippe Taylor, IDEA Games and more
  • The launch of a robust calendar of engaging content showcasing past Davey Award winners and a series of interviews introducing our esteemed AIVA Panel Of Jurors


For those of you whom I have not yet had the pleasure to meet, I am so looking forward to hearing from you, and doing whatever I can to make the Davey Awards the best home for all of your work. Please feel free to reach out, I’m merely a stone’s throw away (sorry, had to).

Enter your work now to confirm what we already know…


As ever,

Lauren Angeloni
Managing Director
