Random scribbles

Entry Requirements

Any work created anytime after Jan. 1st, 2022 is eligible for entry. All work submitted must be accessible from the time of entry through December 2024. Entries received will be subject to review and those submissions determined inappropriate or to be of a discriminatory/offensive nature will be disqualified with no refund of fees. This includes, but is not limited to, pornographic material, racial slander, and defamatory statements.

If you have questions regarding eligibility, please email us at: or call us at (212) 675-4890.

Important Notes:

  • Entries for different mediums should be submitted on separate USB flash drive/CD/DVDs. Ex. All Print entries (digital) on one CD, all Commercial entries on one DVD.
  • Digital Files: Files for digital submissions should be sent per the instructions for that particular discipline. If you only have digital files to submit, you may submit them via the file upload option as part of the entry process.
  • If all of your entries are either URLs, or digital files uploaded in the entry system, you do not have to send us a physical copy of the entry.
  • If your work is in a language other than English, please submit an English language translation.


  • If required, provide a user name and/or password.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.
  • If you are only submitting website entries and they are paid for at the time of entry, then your entry submission is complete. If the offline payment was chosen then send a copy of your entry list with your payment.



Upload Now / Upload later

  • Digital files do not need to be high resolution. These will not be printed. 72dpi is the preferred resolution.
  • PDFs should be optimized for the web.
  • File size is limited to 300Mb.
  • Print entries may be submitted as jpeg, png, gif or pdf files.
  • If you choose to upload your files later, instructions for uploading your work can be found under the “Entry History” of your account navigation. Those instructions are also on the FAQ section of our website.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.

Send Digital Files

  • Digital files do not need to be high resolution. These will not be printed. 72dpi is the preferred resolution.
  • PDFs should be optimized for the web.
  • File sizes should be kept as small as possible without compromising the image quality.
  • Print entries may be submitted as jpeg, png, gif or pdf files. These may be sent on USB flash drive/CD/DVD.
  • All non-English language entries must be accompanied by an English translation.
  • Each Campaign category entry should be listed in its own folder bearing the name of the Entry Title. Please note that a Campaign entry consists of up to 3 pieces.
  • Print entries must be submitted on one USB flash drive/CD/DVD with the Print Entry Label (Play List) attached.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.



Upload Now / Upload later

  • File size is limited to 300Mb.
  • Video entries may be submitted as .mov or .mp4 files.
  • If you choose to upload your files later, instructions for uploading your work can be found under the “Entry History” of your account navigation. Those instructions are also on the FAQ section of our website.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.

Send Physical Entries or Digital Files – Film/Video

  • Each entry must be on separate USB flash drive/CD/DVD.
  • The preferred format for media files is .mov. However, we will also accept DVD, .mpg, .mp4, and .flv.
  • We suggest you enter a 5 to 10 minute clip that is representative of the entire piece, or you may enter a full program/film or video.
  • Each entry must have an Entry Label attached to the entry case.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.

Online Video

  • Simply post each entry to a URL (you can use the same URL for multiple entries, but please indicate which title corresponds to which piece). If required, provide a user name and/or password.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.
  • If you are only submitting online video & audio program entries and they are paid online, then your entry submission is complete. If the offline payment was chosen then send a copy of your entry list with your payment.

Send Physical Entries or Digital Files – Commercial

  • All TV Commercials must be on one USB flash drive/CD/DVD.
  • The preferred format for media files is .mov. However, we will also accept DVD, .mpg, .mp4, and .flv.
  • Commercial Entries should be clearly titled to match the Commercial entry label (play list).
  • The Commercial entry label (play list) should be attached to your entry.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.



Online Advertising & Marketing

  • Simply post each entry to a URL (you can use the same URL for multiple entries, but please indicate which title corresponds to which piece). If required, provide a user name and/or password.
  • For campaign entries, please indicate which pieces correspond to the campaign.
  • If the same piece is entered in more than one category, please note you must pay the entry fee for each category.
  • If you are only submitting online advertising & marketing program entries and they are paid online, then your entry submission is complete. If the offline payment was chosen, then you will need to include a copy of your entry list with your payment.

Integrated Campaign

  • Entries must be a combination of work from at least 2 mediums.
  • Entries should consist of 2-5 pieces.
  • Entries should be prepared according to the instructions for each medium entered
  • Entries should be packaged together with the entry label attached

Marketing Effectiveness

  • For your Marketing Effectiveness entry, you are given the opportunity to provide additional information to support and detail the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. When submitting your entry for consideration, we do ask that you submit all materials on a single URL that will include a Summary/Brief as well as the creative elements that were used to promote your idea or product.
  • We ask that you provide the following information as part of your brief:
    • Background Information – (Describe the project and reasons for marketing/advertising this product)
    • Target Audience – (Demographic and Geographical information)
    • Objectives – (Specific goals and expectations for your campaign)
    • Challenges – (Obstacles and constraints you faced, issues that were overcome for this project)
    • Methods and Strategies – (Ways in which you achieved your outcome, including creative and media communication strategies)
    • Results – (Overall outcome and evidence that you achieved your objectives and overcame challenges)
  • Please limit your brief to 1000 words.
  • We do require that you include your brief as part of the URL you are submitting for consideration.
  • If required, provide a user name and/or password.
  • If you are only submitting Marketing Effectiveness entries and they are paid at the time of entry, then your entry submission is complete. If the offline payment was chosen then send a copy of your entry list with your payment.


  • Mobile entries will be judged via a mobile device, so we recommend that you do provide a direct URL accessible via a mobile phone, tablet or other mobile device to ensure proper evaluation of your work.
  • If your work is password protected, you will need to provide a username and password for judging purposes.
  • Mobile websites entered will be judged solely on the content provided, as we do not allow additional supporting documents or explanation.
  • For Mobile Applications, you may submit a URL that directs to a product demo showing the application features and components, or a direct link to download the application.